BMF Apprenticeship Week 2024

Chris Yarwood (Apprentice Manager)
“Matthew demonstrated exceptional dedication throughout his apprenticeship, and we are thrilled with the outstanding grade he achieved. Beyond completing his apprenticeship, Matthew continues to evolve and thrive within the company, and we eagerly anticipate the promising path that lies ahead for him in the future.”

Matthew Nugent (Apprentice)
“I found LEAP fantastic, they have supported me from start to finish with my apprenticeship. The idea of an apprenticeship is far better than classroom work as it allows you to be hands-on and learn the job practically instead of theoretically, LEAP have supported me with this every step of the way and made the process feel a lot less stressful than most courses.”
JT Dove Ltd

Nathan Collier (Apprentice)
“My LEAP apprenticeship has been a significant step up for me. I’ve learned a great deal, gained confidence, and acquired valuable business knowledge, especially in how to effectively communicate with customers. It was a great honour to win the BMF Level 2 Apprentice of the Year award last year for all my hard work.”

Kelly Thompson (Apprentice)
“I found my apprenticeship enjoyable and interesting. Learning the theory behind what I have done for many years has helped me enormously. The support I received from my tutors and JT Dove was a great help and feeling supported helped me achieve a distinction in my apprenticeship. Every day is different and I am always learning new things.”
Kerridge Commercial Systems

Ryan Petts, Learning and Development Manager (Level 5 Learning & Development Apprenticeship)
“I’ve been with the Kerridge Commercial Systems group now for 6-years. Throughout this period, I’ve worked in various roles, allowing me to gain a strong understanding on the rental division solutions. Last year, a Learning and Development Manager role became available, and I knew this was a great opportunity to progress my career. In order to develop my L&D knowledge and step into leadership, KCS enrolled me onto a Level 5 apprenticeship which has exposed me to new software and theories, but also learn first-hand from experts within the field.”

Gracie Roberts, Finance Apprentice (Level 2 AAT Apprenticeship)
“I took the apprenticeship route as I knew it would be the best option for me as I can work all while learning and gaining experience in accounting. The biggest advantage has been being able to learn new skills and working alongside the Global Accounts team. This has enabled me to pave a clear career path once the apprenticeship has been completed. I’m extremely thankful to KCS for all of their support throughout my course so far.”

Becky Clark, Global Talent Development Partner
“The KCS Global Talent Development team are committed to ensuring that all of our staff have the correct knowledge and skills in order to excel in the work they do, whether that be right now or in the future for any career succession planning. One of the KCS business goals is to grow our own talent and apprenticeships are perfect to help us achieve this. We work with leading learning providers to facilitate our apprenticeships; from entry-level to degree-level, as well as covering all departments across the business.”

Charlie Rogan, Corporate Helpdesk Analyst Apprentice (Level 2 customer service apprenticeship)
“I’m based within the KCS rental division helpdesk team, supporting inspHire corporate customers day-to-day as well as committing one day a week towards my apprenticeship coursework. The reason I have taken the apprenticeship route is because I knew that to progress within my career I had to develop my skillset, plus it’s a great bonus to have a qualification at the end of the course. The skills I have developed on throughout the course so far include organisation, as well as understanding how to liase with our customers, making sure that I’m offering the best level of support to our users. The benefits I’ve found whilst doing my apprenticeship is the fact that I’ve learnt on the job but also the support that I’ve been getting from the team, course provider and business as a whole. KCS are not only interested in my development during my apprenticeship but also are creating a clear path once the course is finished.”

Louis Hurst, Sales Executive Apprentice, Level 3 IT Sales Course
“I’m based in the KCS rental division working with the online products (Current RMS and OnRent). I took the apprenticeship route because I thought it was the best way for me to get hands on experience and a qualification alongside doing the actual work itself. My day to day responsibilities include carrying out new business demos to leads and providing customers with training. My apprenticeship has really helped me to confidently manage my own pipelines, qualify leads and build sales strategies. The benefits have been that I’ve been able to get a hands-on feel of the business whilst getting the training. The course does result in a qualification which will help me with my career path. KCS has been hands on throughout my apprenticeship so far. The support the business has provided me has enabled me to excel and grow confidence when speaking with new business leads and existing customers.”

Matthew Salmon, Sales Executive Apprentice, Level 3 IT Sales Course
“I’m based in the KCS UK marketing team and my primary focus is lead generation. The reason that I actually took the apprenticeship route is down to KCS. I went through the standard recruitment process and after the company offered me the role they wanted to invest in my learning and enrolled me on an apprenticeship to further my career in sales and marketing. One of the many benefits of taking this route is the exposure to marketing as a whole. It’s been insightful to work with experienced professionals and learn about campaign management, lead generation and how sales/marketing collaborate to achieve their end goals. The course itself is 13 months long and requires 6 hours a week alongside my day-to-day role. KCS have been very supportive in ensuring I’m on track with all my coursework. There’s often a misconception that apprenticeships are only for entry-level but KCS are investing into its peoples development, opening up opportunities further down the line.