• Naylor

  • Manufacturer

Supporting BMF Apprenticeships
Supporting BMF Apprenticeships
Supporting BMF Apprenticeships

Head office

Website: www.naylor.co.uk
Tel: (01226) 790591
Address: Acton Works, Lane Head Road, Cawthorne BARNSLEY, South Yorkshire, S75 4AD
Social media channels:

About Naylor

Naylor provides a comprehensive range of high quality, high performance drain, duct, sewer and storm systems for use in the highways, power, utilities, commercial, industrial, housing, rail and agriculture sectors to enable essential infrastructure.

An entrepreneurial, modern business, Naylor uses its comprehensive market knowledge to support the delivery of construction and major infrastructure projects all over the country.

Having a reputation for being straightforward, supportive and easy-to-deal-with, Naylor are committed to making significant, ongoing organisational investment to further develop product offer, reducing carbon emissions and continuing to meet the needs of the customer.

Company culture

As a long-standing family business, we value our standing in the communities in which our factories are situated. We support and fund raise for local charities such as Barnsley Hospice and community groups such as sports and wildlife groups; we have donated product to a wide variety of community and educational establishments.

On a national basis, we are supporters and fundraisers for Lighthouse, the Construction Industry Charity; our CEO is the Charity’s co-Chair and has helped drive initiatives to increase fund raising as well as increasing the support available to needy construction workers- both financial and in terms of mental health.

We have close relationships with local schools and colleges, hosting regular visits and giving work experience; a recent initiative involved our HR team giving interview practice to impending school leavers. We are passionate about helping attract the next generation of employees into engineering and manufacturing and play a major role in the annual “Get up to Speed” careers event in Sheffield.

Our CEO is on the Advisory Board of York University Management School and acts as a mentor to local young entrepreneurs under the Connect Yorkshire programme.

Communication is another priority area; we want engaged employees who understand what we are trying to achieve and how they can play a part. We give every employee an annual printed summary of our business plan/budget and feedback via monthly (“The Naylor”) and annual glossy (“Naylor Newsbeat”) newsletters. Our CEO’s 6 monthly updates cover all sites, all employees; an Employee Forum ensures good 2-way dialogue. We are rewarded with employee suggestions- hundreds of improvement cards.

Employee benefits and perks

Our employee policies are progressive and flexible, including the ability to purchase additional leave. There is a comprehensive range of employee benefits including a cycle to work scheme which allows employees to purchase a bicycle in a tax efficient fashion. Profit related pay allows employees to benefit from our increasing financial prosperity. Our Social Club organises events including a well attended Christmas Party. Our Employee Forum acts as a two way conduit for information or feedback

Career development and growth

We are a long-standing family business; our personal touches fuel exceptional Employee retention and frequent long-service awards (25/40 years). But our apprentice programme is bringing the next generation through; since its launch in 2012; we have taken on some 30 apprentices in a variety of business areas (Engineering, IT, Accounts, Management). 6 are still going through their studies; 6 more have progressed since completing their apprenticeships.

Our two management trainees- being sponsored through Sheffield Hallam degree level courses in Management- have contributed to major data projects in our sales function and operations.

We invest heavily in training to ensure that employees have the skills necessary to drive modernisation and diversification initiatives. We have developed Naylor
Knowledge- a flexible on-line learning resource- to allow employees young and old to fulfil their potential.

EDI (equity, diversity & inclusion) initiatives

We are committed to diversity: we particularly welcome applicants for job vacancies from women as they have historically been underrepresented in our workforce and industry. Females are now well represented across our Senior Leadership Team.

Support has come via our establishment of a confidential coaching support for our senior and upwardly mobile females which has addressed the “imposter syndrome” issue head-on.

Our regional Athena Award in 2017 recognised our progress; we have also used International Women’s Day events as a way of building a female networking group.

Sustainability / environmental stewardship

Naylor produced its Net Zero Carbon Strategy in February 2022, which highlights the Directors’ commitment to delivering Net Zero Carbon. Areas covered included:
Energy – minimising usage; prioritising use of energy from renewable and low carbon sources (we have 3 solar installations)
Waste- delivering zero waste to landfill
Assets – ensuring energy efficiency/emissions are given full consideration as part of capital investment decisions and
Training – delivering environmental training to all staff

In our most recent annual Net Zero Carbon report our group overview showed the following reductions:
7.2% reduction in group CO2e emissions.
26% reduction co2e emissions per tonne of product made
89.2% reduction in emissions from electricity consumption and
11% reduction in scope 1 emissions across the group

School ambassador

Abby Crump


Abby is known for building strong relationships with stakeholders & particularly shines when liaising with younger colleagues who embark on training programmes or apprenticeships. Abby’s work in providing support for local schools has encompassed mock interviews, CV writing skills workshops & a “day in the life” to ensure that the next generation are able to see what roles are available in our sector

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